What Do I Do As An Online Health & Fitness Coach?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

coach, business coach, work from home, stay at home mom, fitness, nutrition, wellness coach, end the trend
What Do I Do As An Online Health & Fitness Coach?

The Short Answer:
I help people achieve their health and fitness goals as well as their business goals.

The Long Answer:
First, I help people create realistic goals for their current lifestyle and situation by going through some questions to get to know each person better.

Some of these questions include:
Would you like to lose weight or gain weight?
How many pounds?
Would you like to build muscle and bulk up?
Would you like to tone up and slim down?
Would you just like to get back into shape?
Are you happy with your current weight?
What is your fitness level? Are you a beginner or advanced?
Do you have any physical conditions that limit your mobility?
What have you tried in the past?
What is your schedule like?
How much time each day could you block off to commit to your workout?
What is your nutrition like?
Are you a frequent snacker?
Are you an emotional eater?
Do you struggle with portion control?
Do you struggle with not eating enough?
Are you eating 5-6 smaller meals per day?
Do you have problems with food cravings?
Do you have cravings for sweets or sugar?
Do you have medications that you're taking that could be controlled with nutrition instead (blood pressure, digestive, cholesterol, stomach ulcers, etc)?
What do you typically eat each day?

Depends on their answer, I then pair them up with an at home fitness and nutrition program that best meets their needs, lifestyle and goals.
Once, we find the perfect program, I help them prepare to start the program.

I do this by helping them make their meal plans and grocery list as well as creating a new schedule they can follow.
Then, I go over how to take their before pictures and measurements so that they can see where they're starting at and eventually be able to look back at how far they've come.
After they have all this completed we go over Shakeology repice ideas until they find one they like.

Once they start their program I help them stay on track by motivating and supporting them every day through a private online accountability group.
In this private group I offer recipe ideas, fitness tips, exercises, pep talks, educational information, etc. to ensure that they finish their programs.

This is also their place to ask questions and get extra help with anything they may need.
For example, I'll help them if their going out to eat or something one day on what to do and how to handle it or I'll teach them how to modify things that are difficult for them.

At the end of the group I congratulate them, help them take their after pictures and measurements and help them enter our free Beachbody Challenge contest where they could potentially win money just for making a healthier lifestyle decision!

For more information on joining one of my private groups, click here.

I’m also a business mentor to so I teach other coaches how to build their own businesses by helping others just like I do and earn an income from home.

For more information on starting your own Coaching business, click here.

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