Archive for August 2016

RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30 - My Week 2 Journey

Sunday, August 28, 2016

RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30
My Week 2 Journey

Follow me along:
Instagram: @rach878xo
Snapchat: @ rach878xo
8.22.16 - Day 8

Max Out Time: 9:00

Insanity Max:30 #Day8 complete!
Today's workout: Cardio Challenge PLUS Ab Attack:10!

The only thing I wanted to do tonight was go to bed but I knew I had to push play first.

 I didn't realize I had the extra ten minute ab workout to add on but it ended up being a nice, yet very challenging surprise!

I know it looks like two different shirts but I promise it's the same one haha. It's amazing at how different the lightening changed in those 40 minutes!

#Week2 ! I am ready for ya! πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘Š������

8.23.16 - Day 9

Max Out Time: N/A
Total Number of Push-ups: 76
Week two day two! Day nine is in the books baby!! πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

Definitely a lot harder when you do a workout right before bed and then do your next one as soon as you wake up the next day!

Felt that burn an extra lot this morning but it hurt so good! 😜

Since push-ups are always my weak spot I've been keeping track of how many I do during the workout so I can see my progression the more I do it!

Now I'm feeling extra awake and ready to take on this fine sunny Tuesday! ☀️
8.24.16 - Day 10
---afternoon post:
Today my mom brought my niece and nephew up to visit for the afternoon!
What did we do?
Hiking ✔️
Park ✔️
Beach ✔️

Had so much fun with the fam today!
---nighttime post:
Today when we were at the beach I was reallllly thirsty so I went to get a water out of the vending machine, only to find out that all the water in the machine was sold out.

I then tried to get my change instead and for some reason it wouldn't work.

So, I figured I mine as well at least get something because I didn't want to waste my $2.00. My only options were Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke,
Root Beer, Fanta, and Sprite.

(( I haven't had pop in 8 years. I used to LOVE Pepsi but when I was diagnosed with IBS in 2008 pop was one thing on the list I wasn't supposed to have. ))

Going back to the vending machine - I figured my best choice would be Sprite. That's what they tell you to drink when you're sick, right?

I was thirsty so I just went with it.

I had a few sips of it and it tasted awful.
It didn't quench my thirst at all. It gave me a headache. It made me super bloated and I just felt like crap.

So was not worth the two dollars. I should've just said f it and been out the money.
---the next morning post:
I fell asleep before 8:30 last night so for those of you wondering, I DID take my rest day yesterday.

According to the Insanity Max:30 calendar I'm supposed to take my rest days on Sunday but since I took it yesterday instead, I'll be making up that workout on Sunday.
8.25.16 - Day 11
Max Out Time: N/A
Total Number of Push-ups: 118
Day 11 complete! Tabata Power!
Took yesterday as my rest day so if you're wondering where my post if for Day 10, there's your answer!

According to the
#InsanityMax30 calendar rest days are supposed to be on Sunday's so since I took mine yesterday I will be making up yesterday's workout on Sunday!


I kept track of how many push ups I did in Tabata Power on Tuesday and then again today...

Tuesday I did 54 and today I did 65!!! πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

Not bad for a two day difference!! 😍

8.26.16. - Day 12

Max Out Time: 8:34
Day 12 - Fight Night Fight Round 1✔️
Holy S.O.R.E. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I don't know what was up with me today but man I was TIRED, SORE, and EXTRA HOT.

 I had to pause a few times because I noticed I started to lose form but I hurried up and corrected it and jumped right back in!

AND I'm really disappointed that
#Instasize doesn't allow you to edit videos anymore. πŸ˜‘

AND I'm even more disappointed that Facebook won't let me upload my videos anymore because of the "copyrighted music" that's in it 😑

Anyone have any good recommendations for video editing apps that I can add text to or resize for Instagram?
8.27.16 - Day 13

Max Out Time: N/A 
Nothing says "good morning" quite like falling down the stairs...
Insanity Max:30 Day 13 completed this morning!

After starting my morning out today by falling down the stairs I was so glad that today was the Pulse workout!

Wanted something a little more laid back to stretch everything back out.

I can definitely feel myself getting deeper into the stretches than I was just last week when I did this routine the first time!

It's always so amazing to me just how much our bodies can change in so little time!

I had so much fun with my family today, I'm glad everyone was able to come up and spend the day together! Wishing them all safe travels back home!

We did the Forgotten Government Laboratory scenario of the Escape Room Game today! Unfortunately we did not make it out of the room before the time ran out but we were only two steps away from doing it! We still had a lot of fun tho!

I'll be honest, I did get some ice cream today, chocolate chip cookie dough, of course - my fave! 😍
8.28.16 - Day 14

Max Out Time: N/A Because I had to modify the whole thing due to terrible back pain
I debated on still doing my workout all day.
I finally talked myself into it because I just could not bring myself to skip a day.

Posting these publicly and not just in my private groups has been SO extremely helpful!

Today was Day 14 of #InsanityMax30 which means it was my last day of week two! Sunday's are supposed to be rest days but since I took my rest day on Wednesday earlier this week, I had to make up that workout today.

Today's workout was Sweat Intervals + 10 Minute Abs.

I modified everything today and I made it through about 20 minutes of the workout when my back started getting really tight so I decided to call it quits.

Which mean I still have to make up for that 10 minute ab workout but, I'm not worried about it since I still have 6 weeks left of this program.

My after shot was going to be a frowny face but I thought you know what, I STILL pushed play today and tried my best when most people would not have and THAT is something I am proud of!

Hoping to feel a lot less in pain tomorrow as today was awful πŸ˜–
(Yesterday I felt okay. This morning was a different story.
If you're wondering why I haven't been active on here yet today that is why.

My butt hurt, my back hurts, my ribs hurt, and so does my stomach.
I guess I must've fallen a bit harder than I thought I did. πŸ˜‘
I tried eating breakfast this morning but didn't get much in because I just felt so terrible.
I tried a 30 minute hot Epsom salt bath.
Then I came out onto the couch, snuggled up to Devin, and napped for a good 4 hours.
 I feel like such a bum for not getting much done today but I'm just in a lot of pain right now...and tomorrow is my birthday.. πŸŽ‚
Hopefully tomorrow will be a different story πŸ˜”)

 So here's to high hopes for not only week 3 but also my birthday tomorrow! πŸŽ‰

I will be posting these updates at the end of each week so stay tuned for my week three update!

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RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30 - My Week 1 Journey

Saturday, August 27, 2016


RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30
My Week 1 Journey

Follow me along:
Instagram: @rach878xo
Snapchat: @ rach878xo

8.15.16 - DAY 1
Max Out Time: 8:30 
Today starts a lot of new and exciting things for me.
Due to my time off for vacation I decided to just restart Insanity Max:30 instead of picking up at week 3.

Our new private training group, Back To Basics started today. We are all committed to starting and finishing our programs, for me its from day one to day sixty.

This morning I noticed I had way less energy than normal. With spending the last few days at the Fair my diet has not been on point and I can definitely tell in all aspects.

Totally wishing I would've remember to take my Energize this morning before pushing play!

Today is also that start of a new business training course I recently invested in so I am extremely excited about that too!

Stayed true to my commitment this morning with waking up at 5am to start my training and starting my workout at 6:30am!

Cheers to Day 1 πŸŽ‰
8.16.16 - DAY 2

Max Out Time: N/A
Total Number of Push-ups: I honestly don't know, I didn't write it down :(
My workout for day 2 was: Insanity Max:30 - Tabata Power!

Still my favorite workout of this program that I've completed so far! 😍

I think it may have something to do with the fact that it's the only one I have yet to do that I can go the full 30 minutes forπŸ˜‚ but we can just pretend that's not the reason haha!πŸ˜‰

Either way, I stuck to the plan and I didn't make an excuses today!

I hurried home from work and immediately pushed play as soon as I walked in the door!
8.17.16 - DAY 3
Max Out Time: 12:04
of exhaustionπŸ˜– and of happiness😍

Why? Because I actually finished Sweat Intervals today! 

That's the Day 3 workout in #InsanityMax30 and the two times I have done this routine before today I QUIT.

That's definitely not something that's easy for me to admit but it's real.

All the workouts at 30 minutes long and in this workout around the 26 minute mark I am D.E.A.D. so I would throw in the towel.

I know you're thinking, "Why not just do it, it's only FOUR minutes?"

The last thing I want to hear at that point is, "Hey let's do some burpee lunges!"

Hell no I don't want to do that. Shoot me.

BUT today I did it.

I totally was dreaded this workout all day long and I kept pushing it back further and further but I had a mini pep talk with myself before I started that TODAY was MY day. Today I am going to finish this!

I had to modify a few moves but I still did it!

Shaun T said, "Results don't come from breaks, they come from hard work!"

Thrilled to check off that Day 3 box today! ✔️
8.18.16 - DAY 4
Max Out Time: N/A
Total Number of Push-ups: I honestly don't know, I didn't write it down :(
Late start to my workout for Day 4 but better late than never right? 😜

Feeling super good today, it's amazing how much of a difference I am noticing in just four days. Some of the things I had trouble with day one have become a little easier today on day four.

Also did the preview workout of our free 3 Week Yoga Retreat! Ahh it feels so good!

I am so not flexible whatsoever and I am not a relaxed person but it felt great and from someone with chronic back pain, any moment without back pain is wonderful.

Really really really looking forward to doubling up with that retreat during my Insanity Max:30 journey!

If you want to do it with me it's free and it starts September 5th! Just let me know and I'll get you set up to start with me!
8.19.16 - DAY 5
Max Out Time: 8:45
Day 5! Friday Night Fight Round 1 ✔️

My stomach has not felt the greatest today BUT I still didn't use that as an excuse to skip my workout. πŸ™…πŸΌ

Would I have loved to have taken my Friday night off? Of course! πŸ™‹πŸΌ

Especially with having to spend the last minute of the workout beating on your abs in a super tough position 😝 but I still made it through!

But what I want more is to be healthier.

"Your body is your equipment, the power is within you."

πŸ‘†πŸΌ I love that quote from Shaun T so much because you can apply it to any part of your life.

Your body supports you every day. It needs you to take care of it.

Stop treating it like a trash can and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel! ❤️
8.20.16 - DAY 6
Max Out Time: N/A
Day 6 ✔️ Today's workout was #Pulse aka an active recovery day to stretch everything back out for Monday to start it all over again! 😜

Got my car are cleaned inside and out, got caught up on laundry and cleaning the house, got my workout in, now a little r&r in an
#Epsomsalt bath before heading to Stateline Speedway for tonight's dirt track race! 😍

P.S - you better be just as obsessed with these BetseyJ's as I am πŸ™ˆπŸ’•
8.21.16 - DAY 7
Meditating or dreaming of pizza? πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’­πŸ•

The world may never know 😏

Either way, I am enjoying my rest day! ❤️

I will be posting these updates at the end of each week so stay tuned for my week two update!

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Wanna Make A BET? Join the Beachbody Health Bet!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wanna Make A BET? Join the Beachbody Health Bet!

What if I told you that starting September you could GET PAID for doing something you already want to do?

I'm not talking about coaching or starting your own business. I'm talking about taking time for YOU and doing these THREE simple things for four weeks:
1) Working out at least 3 times a week
2) Drinking Shakeology at least 5 times a week
3) Log the above in our My Challenge Tracker app


By joining one of my groups in September and logging your workouts + Shakeology, you get a cut of 1-3 MILLION DOLLARS for doing so!
Yes, million as in six zeros.
Beachbody is literally betting cold hard cash that you will fall in love with getting healthy!

Beachbody’s Health Bet focuses on building healthy HABITS. I LOVE that in the Health Bet you aren’t focused on the scale. It’s not about weight loss or getting visible abs. You are rewarded for creating healthy HABITS.

YOU get paid for working out.

YOU earn a little extra cash just for building healthy habits.
It's a NO brainer!

WHEN do we start?
September 5th!
During the Challenge Period, from September 5th – October 2nd, 2016, anyone who meets the requirements below will win an equal share of a $1-$3 million dollar pot funded by Beachbody!

WHAT do you have to do to participate?
Workout following a Beachbody program a minimum of three times per week and drink a minimum of five Shakeology shakes for four weeks straight. That’s it.
No pressure to workout for hours. No embarrassing weigh ins. You workout, drink a shake, and post them in our very own Beachbody Challenge Tracker app.

HOW much will you win?
It depends on how large the final pot will be (minimum of $1 million and maximum of $3 million) and how many people participate. So it could be $5, $15, $50 or more. Beachbody will announce the total pot amount in early September.

I will run a special Health Bet challenge group through our app for the entire contest period. We start September 5th and run through October 2nd. You will not only earn the Beachbody Health Bet payout, but you’ll also get the support of me and a group of other ladies on the same journey to become the healthiest version of ourselves as possible. You will be a stronger, more fit, more vibrant person at the end of the month than you were when you started.

1) I need to be your official Beachbody Coach. If you don’t have a coach, sign up here for a free Team Beachbody membership. To do so click
Click Here so that I am your personal coach.

2) A Beachbody workout program and Shakeology. If you don't already have that you will need to get a Challenge Pack, which is your workout program bundled with Shakeology at a discount. Please contact me directly for this so I can help match you up with the perfect program for you! You can reach me at or on Facebook at

3) A smart phone to access the My Challenge Tracker app. (Works on iPhones and Android)

Once you have completed the two steps above I will give you an access code so that you can join the official Beachbody Health Bet group!

Ready to get paid to get fit? Let’s do this together! 


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