Archive for October 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone Else

Monday, October 31, 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone Else
Don't compare yourself to ANYONE else. It's OK to be different. It's OK to be yourself.
Why is it that if your d i f f e r e n t you're weird? Just because your different? Just because you're not like everyone else?
When you walk into a room, people in that room look at you and j u d g e you. Instantly they are judging the person that you are based on the way that you look the way, the way that you sound, the way you walk, EVEN the clothes that you're wearing.
AND not just that, they're c o m p a r i n g themselves to you. Is she prettier than me, is she skinnier than me, is she taller than me, is she smarter than me, does she have nicer clothes than me, I wonder what kind of car she drives?
WHY are you so CONCERNED about it? Why do you CARE so much about what someone else is doing?
If someone else is doing something that is not harming us or them, then WHY do you care?
WHY are you spending so much time w o r r y i n g about what someone else is doing?
IF you're that type of person, why? Do a deep gut check with yourself and really TRY to figure out what it is w i t h i n you that you're not okay with, that you feel the need to make others feel LESS of themselves.
When I walk into a room and look around, the LAST I think about is how I can c o m p a r e myself. I don't care about ANY of that stuff. If you're happy, BE HAPPY! Who am I to judge?
Comparison is a VERY dangerous thing.
I feel that women have become SO judgemental of each other and it seems like everything is a c o m p e t i t i o n these days.
There needs to be more GIRL LOVE, more women to women EMPOWERMENT.
Don't ever look for ANYONE else's approval. The o n l y approval you need is that from God and that from yourself and I can tell you right now that God loves YOU j u s t the way YOU are. 💕
💕My challenge for you is to give a simple compliment to someone you don't know next time you're out in public.💕
*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST

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Story Time Sunday | I used to eat cookies for breakfast!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Story Time Sunday | I used to eat cookies for breakfast!

For my first Story Time I am going to talk about one of my favorite things - cookies!

Yes, I am a fitness and nutrition coach but that doesn't mean I was always this way.
I want to say from around the age of 7 to the age of 18 I ate cookies for breakfast almost every day.
Not just any cookies, they were the blue package of Chips Ahoy. If you've been following me for awhile you probably already know the deep love I have for these cookies.
I remember sitting down at the dinner table with my dad when I was really little and he taught me how to "dunk cookies." Instead of just eating the cookie by itself, why not make it even better and dip it in some milk right?
I hadn't even known this was a thing but my dad showed me how to do it.
There's two ways to do it, either you simply dip the cookie in milk or you can "pancake it."
You know how when you make pancakes you look for the bubbles to know when to flip it? Well, this is kind of the same thing. You take a cookie and carefully place it flat into the milk. You have to make it even or it will sink so it has to be balanced. Once you have your cookie placed flat, you let it sit for a few seconds until you start seeing little bits of milk show through the cookie. This is how you know when its ready to take it out.
If you've never done this before, you have not lived. It's the best!
So there I was about 7 years old learning this and I totally fell in love. I didn't just have a few cookies for breakfast either, I had one whole sleeve which is half the package.
Yes, I know, that's terrible but it's how I did it and continued to do it up until my senior year of high school.
Fast forward to when I became an aunt thanks to my perfect little nephew, Landen. I passed on what I learned to him (as shown in the photo) because anytime he was over, he would stare at me the whole time I had cookies and he was just too cute not to share.
Looking back I have no idea how I stayed so skinny! 
Yes, of course I still love them but I only have them occasionally now, not everyday. Thankfully now I can say that my breakfast is eggs and spinach! Big difference haha!

What was your favorite food as a child?

*Stay tuned for next weeks Story Time Sunday at 7:30 pm EST over at

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Self-Awareness Saturday | What it is & Why It's Important

Self-Awareness Saturday | What it is & Why It's Important
We all want to be the best person we can possible be right?
At least I know that's a big "yes" for me! ;)
We want to work on becoming better in each and every day possible.
However, what you may not realize is that self-improvement is impossible without self-awareness.
What is Self-Awareness? 
Self-awareness (aka self-knowledge or introspection) is about understanding your OWN needs, desires, failings, habits, and everything else that makes you tick. The more you know about yourself, the better you are at adapting life changes that suit your needs.
Essentially, the more you pay attention to your emotions and how you work, the better you'll understand WHY you do the things you do, the way that you do.

The more you know about your own habits, the easier it is to improve on those habits. In most cases, this takes a little experimentation.

Self-awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment.

We might quickly assume that we are self aware, but it is helpful to have a relative scale for awareness. If you have ever been in an auto accident you may have experienced everything happening in slow motion and noticed details of your thought process and the event. This is a state of "heightened awareness."

With practice we can learn to engage these types of heightened states and see new opportunities for interpretations in our thoughts, emotions, and conversations. Having awareness creates the opportunity to make changes in behavior and beliefs.

Why Develop Self-Awareness? As you develop self-awareness you are able to make changes in the thoughts and interpretations you make in your mind. Changing the interpretations in your mind allows you to change your emotions. Self-awareness is one of the attributes of emotional intelligence and believe it or not, an important factor in achieving  s u c c e s s.

Self-awareness is the first step in  c r e a t i n g  what YOU want and mastering YOUR life.

Where you focus your attention, your emotions, your reactions, your personality and your behavior determine where you go in life. Having self-awareness allows you to see where your thoughts and emotions are taking you.

It also allows you to  t a k e  c o n t r o l  of your emotions, behavior, and personality so you can make changes YOU want. Until you are aware in the moment of your thoughts, emotions, words, and behavior, you will have difficulty making changes in the direction of your life.

If you feel a little lost don't worry, I felt that way too. There will be plenty more information on this to follow.

*Stay tuned for my next "Self-Awareness Saturday at 7:30pm EST over at

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Dental Talk Thursday | Knocked-Out Tooth

Friday, October 28, 2016

Dental Talk Thursday | Knocked-Out Tooth

Let's talk teeth!

For this week's Dental Talk Thursday we are going to be talking about what to do with knocked-out teeth!

If you were at your child's sporting event and a tooth got knocked out, would you know what to do?

Here's what to do for a Knocked-Out Tooth:
  1. First, find the tooth and use a clean cotton with mild pressure to stop the bleeding.
  2. Hold the tooth by the crown only, gently rinse the tooth with water if it’s visibly dirty.
  3. Do NOT scrub the tooth or remove any tissue fragments.
  4. Replace the tooth in its socket or hold it in your lip if you can; otherwise place it in a cup of milk.
  5. Visit your dentist immediately and bring the tooth with you.
The longer your tooth is out of the socket, the less of a chance there is that you can save it.

- Rachel Faul, Registered Dental Hygienist
*Stay tuned for next weeks "Dental Talk Thursday" over at at 7:30pm EST

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Fitness Talk Friday | How To Make Time For Your Workouts

Rachel Faul Fitness, RachelFaulFitness, Fitness, Friday, friyay, Fitness Talk Friday, Workouts, Home Workouts, Gym, Gym Rat, Gym Life, How To Make Time For Your Workouts, GymShark, Time Management
Fitness Talk Friday | How To Make Time For Your Workouts
What is the most common excuse I get from people for not working out? Not having time.
As one wise person once said, "If you don’t have time to workout, then I hope you have time to be sick!"

Life is crazy, we are busy people,  busier than ever actually. We have A LOT of responsibilities – I get it!

BUT, how bad do YOU really want to change?
How bad do YOU really want to reach YOUR goals?
How bad do YOU want to cut back on YOUR medications?
How bad would YOU like to fit back into YOUR favorite jeans again?
What kind of example do YOU want to set for YOUR children?
How good do you want to treat your body?
At the end of the day you just have to ask yourself - "WHAT am I willing to sacrifice?"

Here's one of my biggest tips to help you Make Time For Your Workouts:

Schedule them!
If you scheduled a meeting with a client, you wouldn’t just blow it off, would you?
No, of course not!
Because if you did, your paycheck would take a huge hit from it, you planned for it ahead of time, and you had your day scheduled around it.
Apply this same mindset to your workouts!
Schedule them a good week or so in advance, write it down, then schedule the other things on your to-do list around them!
If there are certain days that are busier than others, take note of that and schedule accordingly!
Try putting a calendar reminder in your phone to help remind you of your scheduled workouts.

You can always ask me to check in with you everyday, too! That's something I offer to my clients if they choose! :)

 *Stay tuned for next weeks "Fitness Talk Friday" at 7:30pm EST over at

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What's in it Wednesday? | Yacon Root | Shakeology

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What's in it Wednesday?
Yacon Root | Shakeology
For this weeks What's in it Wednesday, I'm going to go over Yacon Root!
Yacon root is grown for its crunchy tuberous roots and used as a food and natural sweetener. It comes from the Smallanthus sonchifolius plant native to South America. This perennial plant can easily be identified by its small, yellow, daisy-like flowers surrounded by dark green leaves. It can grow over 2 meters in height and happens to belong to the same family as sunflowers. It’s also pest-free and drought resistant so it can be easily grown almost anywhere all year round. Yacon roots taste sweet and crisp and are defined as a sort of winter delicacy in spite of being a vegetable.
The health benefits include:

Blood Sugar Levels & Diabetes:
So many people around the world have begun to use yacon because of its anti-hyperglycemic effects. The fructooligosaccharides (sugar) in yacon mean that the body doesn’t absorb any simple sugars. In fact, it decreases the amount of glucose production in the liver which causes a change to lower fasting glucose rates. For people suffering from diabetes, this is very important. Research is being done on yacon’s potential to increase insulin sensitivity in the body, which would be another benefit for diabetics or for people at risk of developing the disease.

Blood Pressure:
There are several heart-healthy benefits to yacon including the high levels of potassium. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it relaxes blood vessels and reduces strain on the cardiovascular system. This creates an increased blood flow and oxygenation to the parts of the body that need it most, and reduces the chance of developing a condition like atherosclerosis, or from suffering from heart conditions like a heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol Monitoring:
Yacon is important for people who need to monitor their cholesterol. Research indicates that consuming yacon results in a general decrease of fasting triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein levels. In other words, the fructooligosaccharides in yacon help lower lipid levels which prevent the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol. This aids in the prevention of a wide variety of heart concerns, including coronary heart disease. A study published in April 2009 in “Clinical Nutrition” confirmed that LDL cholesterol levels were reduced in people after daily yacon consumption.
Weight Loss Aid:
This benefit has been widely debated but various researchers claim that eating yacon can help you lose weight. Because it is not composed of starch but fills you up, and has a very low level of calories, it is thought to result in overall weight loss. This is thought to be caused by the slight laxative effect of yacon (perhaps due to its fiber content) and the increased fullness that people feel after eating this sweet plant.
Digestive Health:
Just because the body can’t absorb these fructooligosaccharides (sugars), doesn’t mean that the healthy bacteria in our gut don’t find it delightful. Yacon contains prebiotics which stimulate the growth and health of the microflora in our bodies. When our probiotic bacteria are well-taken care of and healthy, our body can maximize its intake of vitamins and minerals. By improving the absorption levels of our food, we are able to get more “bang for our buck” when we eat any other foods. Aside from aiding in bowel movement regularity, yacon reduces constipation, bloating, and other more serious gastrointestinal conditions, such as gastric ulcers and colon cancer.

Cancer Prevention:
Research has shown that the compounds found in yacon can have a preventative effect on the growth of cancer cells. While this research is still somewhat in early stages, there is no downside to this possible side effect of adding yacon to your diet!
*Watch for "What's in it Wednesday?" every Wednesday at 7:30 PM EST over at!
Stay tuned for next week! :)


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Motivational Mindset Monday | Love & Appreciate Your Individuality

Monday, October 24, 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Love & Appreciate Your Individuality
There are millions of people in this world, there are BILLIONS of people in this world and we are ALL born as  i n d i v i d u a l s.
We are all unique we are all totally and completely DIFFERENT....

Yeah, we might look the same and some of us might sound the same. We may be the same age or have the same birthday, maybe we are even the same race and the same gender.
BUT, at the end of the day we are all  t o t a l l y  different.
So I don't understand why so many people try to be like someone else, try to be like another person. Try to look like them or act like them, whatever it is...just try to fall into someone else's footsteps.
It's different to look up to a person, that's one thing, but it's another thing to try to do everything you can to alter yourself to BE another person.
At the end of the day you are the only you that ever was and ever will be. PERIOD.
You have something that NO ONE else has. Something that no one else will EVER have, and that is  y o u r s e l f.
You are SO unique, you are SO individualized, you ARE gifted.
The more you spend your time to fit someone else's box or fill someone else's shoes...the more you act or portray yourself in someone else's way, the more you LOSE your self.
We are ALL born with this such in depth self identity and so many of us go through life without e v e r taking the chance or the time or just taking the effort to get to know.
We just go through life, we go through the motions, repeat our patterns, do our jobs, go home, and at the end of the day, we go to bed just to wake up and do it all over again.
How often to we really take the time to TRULY and FULLY connect to our  t r u e  core?

💕My challenge for you is to take 30 minutes, each and every day to spend solely by yourself. Do some real soul searching💕
*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST

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Fall Survival Guide | 30 Day Group

Fall Survival Guide | 30 Day Group
If you're tired of laying down on your bed to zip up those skinny jeans ... or maybe wanna slip into that holiday dress and feel more confident than ever ... or feeling stuck, frustrated ... or uninspired and ready for a NEW challenge in your fitness routine ... then girl - I GOT YOU! 

 I've been there.

Lose weight, get strong and feel sexier than ever with my VIP fitness & intro into nutrition guide. This is the easiest time of year to pack on the lbs., DON'T let it happen to you! Jump start the season and get into your BEST SHAPE EVER!
-No more oversized sweaters.
-No more avoiding holiday parties.
-No more feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
-It's time to take care of YOU.
And it's time to ROCK ANY

Trust me … anyone can do this!

This group is virtual - so you can be anywhere in the US or Canada to join! You will be added to a private group full of other people on the same mission as you! We will motivate, inspire and help one another achieve success and I will be there to support you every step of the way.

↠ Lose weight, lean out, get toned or shredded - we’ll pick the path that best fits YOUR goals.
↠ Feel lean, strong, empowered, and healthy - inside/out
↠ Workout for about 30 minutes per day
↠ Enjoy a variety of fun, healthy and simple meals {customizable for paleo, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten free, and dairy free)
↠ Reset your Fitness & Nutrition habits {learn what makes you tick when it comes to food}
↠ Create and embrace self-care habits to love your body - and be more balanced (to better care for others!)
↠ Have FUN, be inspired, & get daily motivation {this has been HUGE for our challenge graduates and ongoing FitGirls!}

↠ My coaching & support --- I am going to be sharing all of my tips with you!
↠ A private online community that is FUN, encouraging, supportive and REAL!
↠ A complete clean-eating meal plan and portions meals guide, portion containers, recipes, and a 3-day slim down plan
↠ Access to my VIP motivational tips
↠ 30 superfood meals or snacks to help support you throughout your 30-day challenge and to help you maintain superior health thereafter
↠ A dining out guide
*BONUS "Healthier Survival Guide to Thanksgiving" - Recipes, Tips, + More!
*BONUS GIFTS for the first 5 people!

 Invite a friend and get them to join you so you can support one another and hold each other accountable!

  Remember summer bodies are created in the winter/spring! So let’s DO THIS! I'm so excited for this group!

*** Space is limited! ***
Only 15 spots available so get in touch with me quick! November 7th is DAY ONE!

  >>>> Make sure to click HERE and hit "Going" to RSVP for more details! :) <<<<
OR email me at

  All commitments must be made by Friday, November 4th so we start on time!

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What's in it Wednesday? | Amaranth | Shakeology

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What's in it Wednesday?
Amaranth | Shakeology

For this weeks What's in it Wednesday, I'm going to go over superfood, Amaranth!
 Amaranth is actually looked at as a weed by most of the world, but it has been grown as a grain-like seed and a vegetable for thousands of years. The Aztecs used it as a staple and even included it in their religious rituals. It has about the same yield as many other commonly used grains like rice and a similar nutritional value to quinoa.
The health benefits of Amaranth include:
1. It's gluten free! – Amaranth isn’t really a grain and it does not have the sometimes troublesome proteins you find in wheat, rye, and barley. Amaranth flour can be used to thicken soups and sauces but it can also be used with other gluten free flours and gums in baking.
2. It helps lower your cholesterol! – The oils and phytosterols in amaranth help lower cholesterol levels, including LDL and triglycerides.
3. It reduces inflammation! – The anti-inflammatory properties of peptides and oils in amaranth can ease pain and reduce inflammation. This is especially important for chronic conditions where inflammation erodes your health, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
4. It can prevent cancer! – The same peptides in amaranth that protect against inflammation may also help prevent cancer. The antioxidants in this grain may even help protect cells from other damage that can lead to cancer.
5. It lowers blood pressure! – The fiber and phytonutrients in amaranth lower blood pressure according to some recent studies.
6. It's a great source of protein! – Amaranth is a very rich source of protein and this protein is also highly bioavailable. The protein in amaranth is more digestible than other seeds and grains and has been compared to the digestibility of milk protein.
7. It contains lysine! – Vegetables and grains are often lacking in this essential amino acid. Amaranth has a good amount of lysine which helps the body absorb calcium, build muscle, and produce energy.
8. It's high in fiber! – This makes it filling and means it aids digestive health, cholesterol, blood pressure, and slows the absorption of sugars to let the body keep up with energy production.
9. It's rich in minerals! – Amaranth is a very rich source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and copper. It is also a good source of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus. These build strong bones and muscles, aid hydration, boost energy, and are vital in thousands of processes throughout the body.
10. It's full of vitamins! – Amaranth is also a good source of many essential vitamins too, including A, C, E, K, B5, B6, folate, niacin, and riboflavin. These act as antioxidants, raise energy levels, control hormones, and do much more.
11. It boosts your immune system! – Amaranth may boost immune function according to some studies, probably thanks to the potent vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
12. It prevents gray hair! – Say what?! Amaranth helps prevent premature graying, mainly due to the minerals this seed has in abundance.
You can pop amaranth, like popcorn, and use it as a healthy snack or as a treat by mixing it with coconut syrup or honey.
*Amaranth has a modest amount of oxalic acid, which should be avoided or only moderately used by those with gout, kidney problems, or rheumatoid arthritis.
*Watch for "What's in it Wednesday?" every Wednesday at 7:30 PM EST over at!
Stay tuned for next week! :)

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Core De Force Official Test Group + Everything You Need To Know!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Core De Force Official Test Group
+ Everything You Need To Know
Core De Force is an explosive mixed martial arts-inspired total body transformation workout designed by Beachbody Super Trainers Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews to blast fat and carve your waist in just 30 days - with no equipment.

Watch the preview of the program here:

If the words ‘Core De Force’ don’t mean anything to you at the moment, then listen up! Beachbody did a TON of market research and polled people asking what kind of workouts they would LOVE to do.

They found that a combat style, mixed martial arts program is what North America is DEMANDING! Why? Because a ‘fight’ workout keeps you motivated longer, gives you confidence, is crazy fun, teaches you some basic self defense, is a combo of cardio and strength training.. and… gives killer results! YES! Count me in!

This program has not been released to the general public and won't be for a few more months. By reserving your spot for you'll gain access to it for 4 whole weeks before the rest.

Release Dates:
Core De Force + Shakeology Challenge Pack is released October 31st, 2016
The following products are included in a Shakeology Challenge Pack:
1) Beachbody program base kit*
2) Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct)
3) 30-day trial to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand**
4) Business Starter Kit & first Business Service Fee waived (included with new Coach enrollment)
*The CORE DE FORCE + Shakeology Challenge Pack includes portion control containers and shaker cup and the 22 Minute Hard Corps + Shakeology Challenge Pack includes portion control containers, which are not included in the base kit.
**The Club + Shakeology Challenge Pack includes a 90-day premium membership to Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand, in place of the base kit.
Price? $140 (over $85 savings!)
Digital Core De Force + Shakeology Challenge Pack is released October 31st, 2016
The following products are included in the Digital CORE DE FORCE + Shakeology Challenge Pack:
1) CORE DE FORCE Digital Unlock
2) 90-day premium membership to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand
3) Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct) 
4) Portion Fix (includes 7-piece portion control container set, recipe book, large blue container & shaker cup)
5) Business Starter Kit & first Business Service Fee waived (included with new Coach enrollment)
Price? $140 (over $110 savings!)
Here's the difference!
Core De Force Kickstart Challenge Pack is released October 31st, 2016
The following products are included in a Kickstart Challenge Pack:
1) Beachbody program base kit*
2) 3-Day Refresh kit (without 3 Shakeology packets)
3) Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct)
4) 30-day trial to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand**
5) Business Starter Kit & first Business Service Fee waived (included with new Coach enrollment)
*The CORE DE FORCE Kickstart includes portion control containers and shaker cup, which is not included in the base kit.
**The Club Kickstart Challenge Pack includes a 90-day premium membership to Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand, in place of the base kit.
Price? $
Core De Force Performance Pack is released October 31st, 2016
The following products are included in a Performance Pack:
1) Fitness program base kit*
2) Energize (pre-workout formula) (30-day supply delivered on Home Direct monthly)
3) Recover (post-workout formula) (20-day supply delivered on Home Direct monthly)
4) Premium Team Beachbody Club (30-day FREE trial membership)**
5) Business Starter Kit & first Business Service Fee waived (included with new Coach enrollment)
*The CORE DE FORCE Performance Pack includes portion control containers and shaker cup and the 22 Minute Hard Corps Performance Pack includes portion control containers, which are not included in the base kits.
 **The Club Performance Pack includes a 90-day premium membership to Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand, in place of the base kit.
Price? $140 (over $85 savings!)
Core De Force Base Kit is released November 1st, 2016
-Includes 10 workout routines
(Free Base Kit shipping 11/1/16 - 12/15/16 + discounted shipping for orders to CA)
Price? $59.85
Core De Force Deluxe Kit is released November 1st, 2016
- Includes 10 workout routines in Base Kit + 3 bonus workouts + agility ladder + portion control containers
Price? $119.70
and it's on SALE!
What is it?:
Core De Force was created by former Les Mills Combat creators, Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews. This program took a whopping 18 MONTHS to create. These creators wanted to make sure that everything was perfect and that nothing was left out.
It is a TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION program, not just a weight loss program. I'm not just talking about a physical transformation, I'm talking about a mental one, too!
It stays authentic to MMA training style which means you are off beat and off rhythm.
You can work at your OWN PACE and start at your OWN level.
YOU are YOUR competition, there are no pre-requisites.
Who can do it?:
EVERYONE can do it. There is a breakdown for each workout so you learn it then work it. It's actually designed for people who AREN'T working out.
What if I have knee issues?:
For those of you with knee issues, this is what Joel himself said. "Pivoting and twisting is centered around plyometric movements. This is a full body rotation so it's a VERY minimal impact on the joints and tendons!"
Can I do it if I'm pregnant?:
There is a special modification for pregnant women COMING SOON but in the mean time, as always, get clearance from your doctor FIRST!
How long is it?:
It's a 30 day program.
What are the workouts like?:
The workouts are a big combination of MMA, kickboxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu, ty kwon do, boxing, and wrestling.
Each workout is about 30-45 minutes and include 12 3 minute rounds just like in a real boxing match.
You will end up doing stacks as you progress through the program.
As far as rest days go, there aren't any, just active recovery days! During the active recovery days you'll do technique drills to enhance your performance and stretch you out.
Do you need equipment?:
No, no equipment is needed for this program nor is it encouraged. You need the wrist stability, movement and control so no ankle or wrist weights, please! Whether or not you wear shoes, that's up to you!
What's the nutrition plan like?:
Let's just say, you get to EAT! Because this is such a high intensity program, that means you get to eat MORE food! Awesome, right? This also means that you will be craving more carbs but don't worry, it's sustainable and you can have BURGER and PIZZA! Say what?!
There is a 200 calorie window on the nutrition plan. It will tell you what measurements to look for in each food group so you know you're getting what you need.
How do you know how much you can eat?:
There is a calorie sliding scale so all you have to do is just plug your numbers in based on YOUR goal.
How does the Performance Line fit into the program?
First of all, the Performance Line does not count in the nutrition plan so Energize it up!
Joel recommends using Energize, Recover, and Recharge for Core De Force.
Oh, and his Recharge secret recipe?
Recharge, almond milk, chocolate PB2, and 2 ice cubes! He calls it his Reese's Peanut Butter Shake!
What kind of results can you look forward to?:
Whenever you start the program is extremely important to not only take your starting weight and before photos but also your before measurements and a video!
The test groups for this program started in January 2016 and the results were that people were dropping INCHES over lbs. like CRAZY! Why? Because it's a FAT BURNING program with a strength component!

Another note from Joel, " Don't change stance! ALWAYS fight from your dominant fight stance! This is no resistance, 360 degree core rotation so you don't need to balance your weight between your legs!"

 Make sure to go here: and hit "Going" to reserve your spot!

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