Cardio vs Weight Training!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Okay, so what about cardio vs weight training?



In general, our bodies need to burn more calories (energy output) than we eat (energy input) in order to lose weight.

There are many different types of cardio such as walking or running. Depending on what your fitness goals are, there are certain types of cardio that are better suited than others.

For example, if you want to focus on fat and weight loss, then a Low Intensity Steady State is perfect because walking burns the most fat per calorie compared to running. Because fat requires oxygen in order to be metabolized for energy, the lower the intensity, the more oxygen is available to be used by the body to break down fat. When you are running, less oxygen is accessible which means that your body will use other energy sources for energy, such as carbohydrates.


Weight Training

Weight lifting makes women bulky right? Wrong!

Doing steady cardio will burn more calories per minute, BUT resistance training will continue to burn calories even AFTER you have completed your workout! This is known as EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which means that if you want to lie around and watch movies all day after weight training, you will STILL be burning calories.

Cardio helps you lose a variety of different body masses, resistance training helps you lose mainly fat.

Losing muscle mass will make you weigh less but it won’t give you the results you’re looking for. Looking “toned” comes from well-shaped muscles, and resistance training protects, shapes and maintains those muscles.


Cardio and resistance training both have their own advantages, but I think doing a little of both is best for weight loss.

Initially, if you have a lot of weight to lose, cardio is a great stepping stone for increasing your fitness level to burn calories quickly. But, in order to have that toned, sculpted body, you need to add in some resistance training.


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