I'm a week into my program and I still haven’t lost any weight, should I drop down to a lower calorie bracket?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

weight loss, fitness program, 21 day fix, calorie bracket, fitness journey, not losing weight, new to fitness, beginner
I'm a week or two into my program and I still haven’t lost any weight, should I drop down to a lower calorie bracket?

There's a question I get a lot.

Here's the short answer: 
Here’s why:
When you begin any kind of high intensity program with resistance training involved, you are going to put your body in a state of stress which is going to create a cortisol response (hormone response). 
This is going to cause inflammation and cause water to kind of surround your muscles to protect them.
After about 3 weeks your body will go, “Oh okay, so this is what we’re doing!” and then that inflammation will release.
Sometimes it takes up to 6 weeks for this to happen, especially with women.
So if you aren’t seeing a drop on the scale in the first few weeks be patient and stick to the program because when you do see that drop it's pretty dramatic. 

Do not drop your calorie bracket thinking that you are going to help yourself lose more weight. In fact, you will probably end up doing the exact opposite because you won’t be feeding your body enough so it will in return hold onto the inflammation even more.
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