Motivational Mindset Monday | Drown Yourself In Affirmations

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Drown Yourself In Affirmations
Today I want you to ask yourself what YOU  t h i n k  of yourself. Don't just instantly reply with something short like, "I'm a pretty good person" or "I wish I was 30 lbs lighter."
No, I want you to go through your day and pay attention to all the things you say to yourself, you think to yourself, and you say about yourself.
You might be really surprised and maybe not so much in a good way. It's only human to be hard on ourselves and Lord knows that I am my own worst critic too. No one is perfect and that's not the point.
There are SO many examples I could give on this but here are 2 to get you thinking: 
Are you comparing yourself to those around you?
"Why can't I live like that?" Why can't I always be that happy?" "Why am I not picking up on this that fast?
Instead, think "That's great, I am happy for them" or "I can't wait to see how much more I will have improved tomorrow!" Remember that happiness is a CHOICE, you don't  n e e d  to have ANYTHING to be happy.
Are you setting yourself up for disappointment?
 "That's it, I am GIVING UP sweets."
Try not to use such words, instead think, " I am CHOOSING to live a healthier lifestyle!" You are not breaking old habits, you are just  c r e a t i n g  NEW ones.
 Do you HEAR yourself? Are you putting yourself down? Are YOU what is causing YOU to lose your confidence? OR Are you being your BIGGEST supporter and having your own back?
NOW, take that thought and start to add in some positive affirmations for yourself. You don't have to buy a fancy journal or stand in front of a mirror to do it. YOU need to figure out what YOU need to hear  m o s t, THEN repeat then all day long in your head. Write it on a sticky note and put it on your bathroom door so you see it  e v e r y d a y.
Again, I could give you a list a mile long but here are some examples:
"I DESERVE to be happy and live the life I CHOOSE."
"I DESERVE to receive massive amounts of love in each moment of each day."
"I AM good enough and I AM valuable."
"My life MATTERS; the world NEEDS me and I need me, too."
"I AM smart, bright, and beautiful. I love who I am and I ACCEPT myself."
"I LOVE how quirky I am and I LOVE the size of my ass."
Yes, at first it will feel corny and you will feel like you're lying to yourself but you're reality is that you are living a lie, the affirmations are done to get you back to the  t r u t h. Don't half ass this either, make sure you FEEL it and WANT it. If it doesn't pull at your heart strings, dig deeper or else it isn't not going to be as effective.
At the end of the day you have to remember that you are what you think you are. You are your thoughts and you are your actions. Those are all things YOU can CONTROL.
"The more emotion you feel around what you're saying, the more power it will have to bring about positive change."



💕My challenge for you is to listen to how you speak to yourself for a whole day then write down 10 of the most surprising things you said to yourself.💕


*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST


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