Motivational Mindset Monday | Make Yourself A Priority

Monday, November 7, 2016

 Motivational Mindset Monday | Make Yourself A Priority
Making time for yourself is in no way a selfish act. In fact, I believe it's one of the most unselfish things you can do.
Granted, yes, we all have different priorities. Mine happen to be myself, my relationship with Devin, my family, my business, my career, exercise, and creating content. Yours might be the same or they may be different. It doesn't matter.
Raise your hand if you've ever fallen short on your list of priorities. Yeah? Me too. Raise you're hand if you aren’t even on the list at all. I've been there too.
I want to explain why you shouldn't just be on your list, but why you should be the top priority.
Let me start by saying that you need to ensure that you’re happy and healthy so that you can better serve others. I'm talking GENINULY happy and healthy, not just walking around with a smile painted on yourself because honestly, if you’re not happy and healthy, others don’t get the full benefits of you.
If you’re tired and sick, no one around you gets the "real" you, they get the sick and tired version of you. However, when you DO become the best version of yourself, your healthy positive energy spreads like wildfire to everyone around you.
When you make yourself your own top priority, you are actually IMPROVING the lives of others.
When people ask me what I do for fun, I say I work my business, I workout, I research, I read, I spend time with loved ones. Yet, I also very much enjoy being by myself because that's my "me time" and I ALWAYS make time to work on ME.
It's so important to have a healthy relationship with yourself and to be able to rely on yourself. It may seem like such a simple concept but at the end of the day the only person who will ALWAYS have your back is YOU.
Take some "me time" everyday. It doesn't have to be anything long, 5 minutes works.
The important thing is to have that alone time so that you can pause and reflect on the amazing energy and gifts that you present to this world. Learn to realize that you ARE important and you CAN make a positive impact on this world. Don't feel guilty about it, you deserve it.
Spoil yourself sometimes. I'm not talking going out and blowing hundreds of dollars, I'm talking about buying that cute top you've been eyeing up for weeks or going to get your hair cut. You spend so much of your time taking care of everyone else, it's okay to take care of you too.
Eat real food. The food that you put in your body has a direct impact on nearly every function that happens in your body. Food is so powerful that it literally impacts your genetics. The earth has already equipped us with what we need to survive. Things such as animal proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, low glycemic carbs, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats should take up most of your diet.
Exercise frequently. No I'm not just saying this because it's what I do. When you exercise you can shut off the world and focus solely on improving yourself. Clear your mind, let out your anger in your workouts, use it to release your stress.
Learn to love yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Work towards having a strong sense of self. Take time for you so that you can check in with yourself.
You ARE beautiful and you NEED to realize that. No matter how many flaws you might think you have, understand that you bring special and unique gift to this world that literally no one else could ever bring. There is no other you. There never will be. You need you and the world needs you.
💕My challenge for you is to pencil in 5 minutes of "me time" each day this week.💕
*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST


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