RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30 - My Week 3 Journey

Monday, September 5, 2016

RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30
My Week 3 Journey

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8.29.16 - Day 15
(My Birthday!)
Nobody likes you when you're 23 πŸŽ‰πŸ’πŸΌπŸŽˆ#nolongerfeelin22


Saying hello to my 24 year old self πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ‘‹πŸΌ

A few years ago I started making a video of myself on my birthday to watch the next year on my next birthday.

Before that I did it in writing and I would write myself a letter to open the next year....

I switched to video because you can't see or hear emotions reading words the way you can when you hear them.

So what do I do in these videos?

I go over my predictions from the following year and I see how they compare to how my life really is now.

I predict things for not only me but my whole family and Devin too.

I give myself a positive message. I give myself an insight of my current life. Then, I end with my hopes for myself the following year.

Once I finish the video I do NOT watch it again until my next birthday.

I personally love doing these! It's not only just a fun thing to do but it's a really neat way to connect with yourself as well!

So 24 year old self, my biggest hope for you is that I just want you to be happy.

your 23 year old self πŸ’•

8.30.16 - Day 16

Max Out Time: I honestly don't know, I didn't write down the time :(

Okay that was really confusing...

I was doing really good with the whole holding up so many fingers to represent what day I was on but 16 was a little tricky I'm not going to lie haha!

I took like 6 pictures before this because I couldn't figure out how the heck to do it so I'm just going to wing it and stick to this one!

Apparently I got like more tan from that workout too? Haha! I'm sure it's just the lighting but I'm not complaining πŸ’πŸΌ

I did Cardio Challenge today because NO of course I did NOT workout on my birthday!!

I had people messaging me asking where my post was but I had already pre planned on not doing it on my birthday. I can make it up, no biggie.

Plus, that gave my back an extra day to rest too!

I was in a terrible mood this morning and during the workout I actually got happy again. I'm not sure how that happened but it did and now I feel much much much better!

So thank you, Day 16 for putting me in a better mood! 😊


8.31.16 - Day 17
Max Out Time: 22:40
Total Number of Push-ups: 76

All I have to say about today is.. SHE WASNT READYπŸ˜³πŸ”«  ( click here to see my video lol) πŸ˜‰

I hope you've seen that Kevin Hart clip so you know what I'm taking aboutπŸ˜‚

For real tho I don't ever want to do another diamond jump burpee or "V" push up ever again....

Like ever. No, don't count me in on that! 😭

I survived tho and I maxed out at 22:40 at some crazy one leg push up thing and I was like okay yeah, no, that ain't happenin. πŸ™…πŸΌ

It was, I admit, a nice mix up tho so I will give it that but I definitely just got my ass handed to me.

Happy Day 17, more than half way day with month one! πŸ’ͺ🏼
9.1.16 - Day 18

Max Out Time: 12:19
Well that was a surprise...

For one, I did my workout this morning which means these photos were taken this morning.

I am just now however creating my post for it and come to find out apparently my before workout photo didn't save 😑 yep. I hope that you noticed what was missing from this picture - the program calendar!

For two, today's workout was Sweat Intervals aka my least favorite workout so far just because I am the worst at it haha!

BUT WAIT - good news! Today I actually did really good it and increased my max out time by two minutes!

I am amazed at how much easier this workout is for me now and to be honest I'm actually starting to kinda like it now!

I felt amazing this morning and I had so much more energy all day!

I was running on a tight schedule but in so glad that I still fit it in. Morning workouts are always what I prefer whenever possible!

Don't you want to have more energy throughout your days too? 😜

9.2.16 - Day 19

Max Out Time: 26:16
Total Number of Push-ups: 119
I am in SHOCK!

So you know how for my Tabata workouts I have been keeping track of how many push-ups I do throughout the workout?


When I did #TabataStrength just TWO days ago I did 76 push-ups.
Today I did 119 push-ups!


Oh my lawddd I am SO flipping excited! That's so freaking amazing! 😍😭

They're all modified tho, so just to clarify. I still suck at them but I'm hoping by the end of the 60 days I'll be able to do them ALL on my toes! 😁

Anyways, I got to try out my cute new workout tank that my work family got me for my birthday on Monday this past week. It's pink (my favorite color, of course) and on the back it says "this is why I squat"!

I will post pictures of the back of it in a few days so stay tuned for that! I love love love it! πŸ™‹πŸΌ

Workout went fantastic today! As always with this routine we start out with diamond jump burpees and at first I was like okay kill me now but then I told myself no, stop you'll do fine just do it. So I did. And I did awesome. And I'm super proud. ☺️

#InsanityMax30 #Day19 to me and #HappyFriday to all of you! 😘


9.3.16 - Day 20

Max Out Time: 8:47

What up 20's! πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸΌ
Today's workout was Friday Fight Round 1 and it was intense!
I was pretty sore from yesterday (first time being noticeably sore so far). My arms are sore and my butt is super sore.
I have been trying to not walk like I have a stick up my butt all day but it may have happened a few times lolπŸ˜‚
I had to really push today to get through it but I'm so glad I did because I was completely dripping in sweat! πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
I can't believe week three is almost over already! This program has been going by so fast!!
Just another huge reminder to get started on working towards YOUR goals!
The time will pass A N Y W A Y S!! So why not get started now so you don't regret it later on?
Insanity Max:30 Day 20✔️
Who else got their Saturday sweat on?

9.4.16 - Day 21

Max Out Time: N/A
Last day of week 3!

Sunday's are supposed to be rest days but since I already took mine on Monday earlier this week for my birthday I had to make up that workout today!

I loved doing
#Pulse today it got me so excited to start the 3 Week Yoga Retreat tomorrow while still keeping up with this program!

I have never done anything like this before so I'm looking forward to it!

I'm hoping yoga helps me to relax more, relieve stress, and most of all ease my chronic back pain a little bit!

#week3 to me! #day21 is complete!
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend!

I will be posting these updates at the end of each week so stay tuned for my week four update!

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