RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30 - My Week 5 Journey

Sunday, September 18, 2016


RachelFaulFitness does Insanity Max:30
My Week 5 Journey

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Facebook: Facebook.com/RachelFaulFitness
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9.12.16 - Day 29

Max Out Time: 5:14
Heyyyy MONTH TWO! 👋🏼

So it's Day 29 of my
#InsanityMax30 journey but it's Day 1 of Month 2 so since I can't think of any possible way I can show like 39 or 47 using my hands (lol) I just decided to start at 1 with them again since its my new month!

And I decided to switch the order that I put my pictures in to decider between what's month one and what's month two.

Month 1 photos have my after photo on the left and my before photo on the right.

Month 2 photo will have my before photo on the left and my after photo on the right.

Before I talk about how today went, can I just take a minute to look at how red my ENTIRE BODY gets after my workout! 😳

That's crazy!🔥

Anyways! Today went well! The first workout was
#MaxOutCardio and there were a few moves I had to modify because I can't do that much jumping right now.

(The neighbor below us complained to our landlord that I was too loud during my workouts because of the jumping) hence why I stopped wearing shoes to workout in if any of you noticed, I think it helps me land a little quieter haha!

So yeah, unfortunately he's home right now and I know it so I didn't want to be too loud😒

I still tried to make my modifications as intense as possible tho!

I loved those squat to planks!! New fave move there!!


9.13.16 - Day 30
My stomach wasn't liking me so much today so I decided it was going to be my rest day.
I didn't want to take it so early but I had zero energy for my workout. :/
Awareness is our true self; it's what we are.

So we don't have to try to develop awareness; we simply need to notice how we block awareness with our thoughts, our fantasies, our opinions, and our judgements.

We're either in our awareness which is our natural state, or we're doing something else.

9.14.16 - Day 31

Max Out Time: 15:24
Total Number of Push-ups: 76
31 Days into #InsanityMax30 today!
Today's also day 3 of month 2, I took my rest day yesterday because I wasn't feeling too hot so I made up that workout today!

It was
#MaxOutPower which again was a Tabata style workout so of course I loved it!
To be honest, at first I was like holy crap this is so easy! Nearly five minutes in, taking our first water break, I thought it was going to be an easy day.

Then we start doing slap back jacks in 9738 different ways, plus squat pulses and omg my thighs were on fire! 🔥

I pushed through tho and got to the second water break.

Then it was push up time and I did 76 in one little segment and my chest was burning🔥 and I finally maxed out at 15:24!

I really had my head in the game today since I was so bummed about taking my rest day yesterday but I kicked ass today so it all worked out! 😁

Taking a short break to post this then I'm going to get my yoga in while I'm all sweaty before I hop in the shower! ☺️

9.15.16 - Day 32

Max Out Time: 8:35
Day 4 of month 2, day 32 overall of #insanitymax30!

Took on
#MaxOutSweat and to be honest I had to modify the majority of it because that guy that lives below of (that complained about my jumping) is home😒
Other than that it was a lot of moves that I've already done from the previous workouts just meshed all together so that was kind of nice to already know the moves but I wish there would've been some new ones!

I didn't hate this one as much as I hated sweat intervals tho haha!


9.16.16 - Day 33

Max Out Time: 7:58
Total Number of Push-ups: 123

I can't even tell you the last time I worked out with a t shirt on...

Let's just say this shirt was not this right around the arms when I bought it!

I guess that's a good thing tho! I'm okay with it being tight in that area at least! 😜

I loved today's workout!!
#MaxOutStrength was a #tabata style workout so hello, of course I was going to enjoy it!! This was actually like the 3rd workout I've done today because of filming for my upcoming booty challenge and my yoga!

I feel great right now but I'm sure I won't be saying the same tomorrow!

I love the variation of the lower body exercises in this one and the jumps weren't that extreme so I actually could do them even with my neighbor hone😍

Thanks for being so awesome Day 5 of month 2, Day 33 overall of my
#insanitymax30 journey!

9.17.16 - Day 34

Max Out Time: 5:53 So 45 seconds into my workout today I hear Shaun T say, "This is the hardest workout I have ever created"

He wasn't lying😳

I'm not sure what just happened but I've never had to stop that many times in a workout before....

#FridayFightRound2 you kicked my ass! 👊🏼

There was a ton of new exercises in this workout which again were a nice surprise but my favorite was the squat planks!

I could heard my back cracking each rep I did I loved it haha!

Cannot believe it's almost the end of week 5! Holy cow this is going by QUICK!!

So for those of you watching, start NOW! Don't wait until I'm done!! The time is going to pass regardless! Why not be proud of yourself in 3 weeks instead of kicking yourself in the ass for not starting sooner?!

9.18.16 - Day 35

Max Out Time: N/A

Okay so I get that this picture is probably a little deceiving...
I'm all decked out in #T25 gear but really I did #InsanityMax30 haha!

Still a @shauntfitness program tho so it counts! 😉

So happy to do #Pulse today! I've been working like crazyyyy on my online business these past few days so it was nice to have twenty minutes to unwind a little bit.

Day 35 overall, day 7 of month two!
Which means.... I just freaking completed week five holy crap!! 😍☺️☺️☺️

Also starting my booty challenge tomorrow🍑

I think I just have a problem of always adding more to my plate! Haha🙈

Really wishing I had a foam roller right now because my back needs it!
I will be posting these updates at the end of each week so stay tuned for my week six update!

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