Motivational Mindset Monday | Believe You Can and You Will

Monday, December 19, 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Believe You Can and You Will

Something I hear people say all the time is something along the lines of, "Oh gosh I could never do that!", "They just got lucky!", etc.
When there's something we really want in life we tend to shoot it down because it seems so far out of reach. It seems TOO far out of reach, so much so that we tell ourselves that its unattainable.
Why do we do that? Where's our confidence?
How many mornings is it going to take for you to wake up and realize you may not have tomorrow!? We have no idea how long we are going to have to achieve it so why waste your time now? Why keep telling yourself you'll start next Monday or next year?!
The sooner you start the sooner you'll be closer to achieving your goal.
I know I've talked a lot about positive self-talk before but trust me guys, it does make a HUGE difference!
If you can look in the mirror an say to yourself, " I AM going to do this. I AM going to do whatever it takes. I AM going to make the sacrifices. I WILL make it happen!" and you actually DO that, guess what - I bet you'll be successful in meeting your goal.
BUT if you do what most people do and just constantly shoot it down and tell yourself that you CAN'T do it, than guess what - you sure as hell won't be able to do it EVEN IF you try because you have NO vision. You have NO belief in yourself. You have ZERO confidence in your abilities.
You don't have to be a master or a pro or the "best" at anything in order to achieve your goal. At the end of the day, you just honestly have to want it bad enough and BELIEVE that you can do it.
Trust yourself, give yourself some credit, it's a scary thing to jump out on a limb. BUT in my eyes, I would much rather be hanging on the limb than sitting back wishing my whole life I would've just done it.
Even if no one else believes in you or believe in what you're doing - that doesn't matter. What matter is if YOU believe it!
💕My challenge for you is to go. for. it. - starting today!💕
*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST


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