Self-Awareness Saturday | Developing Awareness (Part 3) | Understand the Story of Your Life

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Self-Awareness Saturday | Developing Awareness (Part 3) | Understand the Story of Your Life

Last week I went over the second step, learn about your personality, so this week I'm going to over step three: understand the story of your life.

If you missed last week, click HERE to catch up and read it!

This is a focused area called narrative identity.
“The stories we tell ourselves about our lives don’t just shape our personalities – they are our personalities.” - Dan McAdams, Northwestern University psychology professor
Your narrative identity is the story of your life, more specifically,  h o w  YOU understand your life.
This includes your past, present, and future as well as your thoughts, actions, and goals.
If you had the write the story of your life, what would it sound like? What events or moments stand out the most to you whether they’re positive or negative?
Research actually proves that writing about your difficult life experiences improves your physical and mental health.
Even if we’re the only ones to ever read the story, it’s best not to keep those things hidden inside us.
As hard as it may be and as painful as it may be, you HAVE to face your reality.
Until you learn to see your reality for exactly what it is, you will never be able to develop your self-awareness.
Trust me, I am the queen of painting a pretty picture over everything, it’s SO much easier that way. What happens though is that we bury the pain, the disappointment, the fear, the rejection; whatever it may be.
How much you confront your life’s challenges defines your level of self-awareness.
Do some real soul searching, ask yourself the hard questions and even harder yet, answer them HONESTLY.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Look at your early life story and ask yourself what people, events, and experiences have had the greatest impact in shaping the person you have become?
In which experiences did you find the greatest passion for leading?
How do you frame the setbacks in your life?
What areas of your life are you painting the pretty picture over?
What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do but fear always held you back from?
What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of?
What makes you feel the most happy?
What do you let get in the way of achieving your goals?
WHAT is  y o u r  REALITY?
Get out a paper and a pen if you have to, take some time to dig deep and truly answer with honesty.

Do you feel a little weight lifted off your shoulders? You should! ;)

*Stay tuned for my next "Self-Awareness Saturday" at 7:30pm EST over at for part 4

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