Motivational Mindset Monday | Our Biggest Poison is Regret

Monday, December 12, 2016

Motivational Mindset Monday | Our Biggest Poison is Regret
We walk around like we have forever to do the things we want to do. How often do you actually stop to pay attention to what is around you, take it all in, smell the roses and just feel the wind on your face?
We have one life to live. We have one life to fit in everything we want to do. We have one life to get everything done. The thing is, we don't know when our end point is going to come.
Stop putting things off. Stop saying tomorrow. Stop waiting for the right moment because it may never come, you may never get another chance. If you want something you have to do it NOW.
Find your passion, do what makes you happy. I don't care if it's health and fitness like me, it can be beauty, or skin care, or animals, or the elderly or I don't know whatever it is - just FIND IT and DO IT. Use it as your vehicle, put your blinders on and don't let your foot off the gas.
For so long I questioned my decisions, I questioned my career choice. I'm the type of person who always questions everything because I'm so damn afraid to make a mistake.
I was afraid to fail, I was afraid of what people thought of me, I was afraid of the outcome. Taking a risk is not something I do, I live life on safe side. BUT I couldn't get over this pit in my stomach telling me to do something more, to do something different.
I put it off for so long, I didn't want to hear it, I was afraid of change. It took me a lot longer than I want to admit to get me to the point where I just had to be honest with myself and realize that I was my problem, I was the one holding myself back. I was the one that needed to change and that's exactly what I did.
Now you can sit here and tell me how bad it is or how much you don't agree or why you can't do it yourself but it's just not true. If anyone has ever done it, than so can you.
Stop telling yourself you're not good enough or that you can't do something you want because you can, you just have to want it  b a d  enough.
I learned the hard way that all you have to do it make one person happy - yourself, and once you do that, THEN you can worry about making everyone else happy.
Ask yourself if you're doing the things you need to do to put yourself in the position you want to be in or are you just wasting time? This applies to every aspect of life.
Find your passion.
Do what makes YOU happy.

💕My challenge for you is to sit down with yourself tonight, grab a pen and paper and do some real soul searching.💕


*Stay tuned for next weeks "Motivational Mindset Monday" here and over at at 7:30pm EST


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