Self-Awareness Saturday | Signs You ARE Self-Aware

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Self-Awareness Saturday | Signs You ARE Self-Aware

There are a lot of people who have a high level of self-awareness but there are also a lot of people who do not. Last week I went over some signs of not being self-aware, therefore, this week I am going to go over some signs that do have a strong sense of self-awareness.

Here are some signs of someone who has a strong sense of self-awareness:

1. You don’t worry about making a wrong decision.
Making decisions can be very scary because we don’t always know what the actual outcome will be. For my personally, this is something I’ve struggled with tremendously and am still working on to overcome. I am overcoming it by trusting myself. When you trust yourself you begin to think of decisions in a whole new light. Every decision can result in a new lesson learned. Maybe it will be great, maybe it won’t but either way it’s an opportunity to learn and grow from the experience.

2. You observe with compassion.
Have you heard that little voice in your head that tells you, “You’re not good enough?” I think we all have, right? Instead of this sounding so bad, people who are more self-aware observe this as a way of it trying to motivate or protect you in some way. The problem with this though, lies in the fact that often this critical voice is the only voice we hear. So yes, while it can be motivating, it can also be crippling. If your child was curled up in a ball crying, would you start yelling at them in order to motivate them? Probably not. In that particular moment, your child just needs a hug and to hear that it’s okay. Even as adults, yes, we still need this too.

3. You know happiness is a choice.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t chase after happiness, choose it every single day?” It’s true. The grass is only green where you choose to water it. While, yes, outside factors can make you happy, it is truly a personal an “inside” job. You have to allow yourself to be happy, it’s not a destination, it’s a choice. You can’t rely on anything or anyone else for happiness or you will squeeze the life out of it. If it goes away, so will your happiness so don’t give that much of your power away.

4. You don’t worry what others think nor do you concern yourself with other people’s lives.

I feel as though this one is a no brainer. For those who are self-aware, the opinions of others become relatively insignificant. We all know someone who loves to gossip, right? Now ask yourself if you think this person is truly happy? Are they able to have genuine relationships when others are petrified of what they may say behind their back? Probably not. Honestly take a moment and think about how different you and your life would be if you stopped worrying about what others think? It probably looks a lot different doesn’t it? Here is what I want you to remember, other people’s judgments are not a reflection of you, they are a reflection of themselves as someone who needs to judge.

5. You never feel lonely because you like the person you’re alone with.
Anyone ever hear the quote from Wayne Dyer that says, “You’re never alone if you enjoy the person you’re alone with?” This one is my favorite because for me personally, I thoroughly enjoy being alone. Those who are self-aware do not feel bored, unhappy, or incomplete when they are alone. Do you know anyone who is constantly in a new relationship just because they don’t want to be alone? For those who aren’t self-aware it is difficult to be alone. Being alone for too long forces you to be alone with you thoughts and makes you face the fact that maybe you don’t really like the person you are was alone with.

If you are nodding your head to these points, you have some level self-awareness. Working on developing a strong sense of self-awareness helps you make better judgments and helps you have more control over your reactions to events.
*Stay tuned for my next "Self-Awareness Saturday" at 7:30 pm EST over at

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