Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic!

Saturday, September 26, 2015



“Organic food production methods promote biodiversity, the biological cycling of nutrients, and plant and animal health. Certified organic farmers may not use toxic synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, and unnecessary hormones or antibiotics. Instead, they use practices that restore, maintain, and enhance soil and ecosystem health. GMOs, artificial ingredients, or trans fats may not be used.”
Eating organic supports human health through the avoidance of pesticides and maximizing nutrients! Did you know that eating an organic diet for just ONE week can reduce pesticide exposure by 96%?

Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic!

It protects the environment!
Science is showing that eating organic is critical for maintaining the ecosystem services needed for long-term agricultural production.
No pesticides!
Pesticides have been linked to Alzheimer's disease, asthma, autism, diabetes, depression, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, poor lung function and more. Not only do pesticides affect the health of humans, pesticides also have negative effects on the environment and on the critical pollinators. Synthetic pesticides account for one out of the three known endocrine disruptors. Studies have suggested that these chemicals may set the stage for ADHD, autism, obesity, and cancer before a child is even born.
Reduce your exposure to high fructose corn syrup!
If you are eating something that contains high fructose corn syrup there is a 90% chance that you are consuming GMOs.
No agricultural antibiotics and growth hormone exposure!
Studies continue showing that the use of antibiotics in agriculture contributes to resistance so much so that the World Health Organization has declared this a global epidemic.
Better taste with more intense flavor!
Studies propose that organic fruits and vegetables frequently have higher levels of flavor-enhancing nutrients, combined with lower concentrations of water and sugars. This typically results in a more intense and complex flavor.
Higher level of antioxidants!
When compared to conventional crops, organic crops have up to 69% higher levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. This is important because free radicals may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Reduce your intake of unnecessary hormones and antibiotics!
Studies show that most conventional livestock farmers use a mixture of growth hormones, drugs, feed supplements, and high-grain diets to drive their animals to grow quicker, get larger, and produce more milk and eggs each day. In reality, animals on conventional farms are frequently pushed so hard that they experience serious health problems and reproductive problems, leading to heavy antibiotic use. The National Organic Program (NOP) rule forbids the use of essentially all synthetic animal drugs, producing healthier meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products.
Benefit from your bread!
Studies show that only 27% of the ingredients found in conventional breads have any nutritional benefit. When you eat organic bread it contains almost twice as much nutrient-rich, whole food ingredients as “natural” breads and three times as much as conventional breads.
Help save the bees!
Many crops depend on the bee population for survival but with all these pesticides and chemicals being used, our bee population is declining,
Improve water quality!
Ever think of how much the use of pesticides runs off into our water systems? The use of pesticides is decreasing the quality of our water because of this! The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is the most graphic example of the massive damage caused when farm chemicals flowing off of millions of acres collect in the mighty Mississippi.
Climate change!
The carbon sequestration in soil would decrease energy use and less greenhouse gas would be released as a result of going organic.
Get more out of your grains!
Grains make up the majority of calories consumed worldwide making them one of the most important sources of nutrients. However, most of the grains we see are refined grains. During the refining process nearly 75% of the nutrients found in grains are lost. Studies have shown that eating organic whole grains can help boost your intake of health-promoting antioxidants, such as carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and tocopherols.
Humans aren’t the only ones to benefit from organic!
Organic extends to positive impacts for: birds, insects, amphibians, mammals and plants – all of which are critical to the environment.
Improve soil health!
Organic crops are grown in healthy, biologically active soils which often take longer to grow than crops on conventional farms. The plants nurtured by soil on organic farms produce crops that often contain higher levels of important antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Hundreds of studies conducted over the last 50 years have determined that organic management practices, including crop rotation, considerably increase soil quality, restore nitrogen and organic components, and seize carbon to help fight global warming.
Avoid unknown Genetically Engineered food risks!
Most our genetically engineered (GE) foods were approved over 15 years ago during a time when the government was belligerently promoting biotechnology. At the time they had thought that GE foods were “substantially equivalent” to conventional foods. However, we have since discovered that even minor changes in the genetic makeup of food can lead to unforeseen human health risks. Organic farmers are not allowed to plant GE seeds nor can they use GE crop inputs.
No insecticides!
Recent studies confirm that exposures to common insecticides during pregnancy can reduce a child’s IQ 4% to 7% by the age of 9.
No artificial colors!
The three most widely used dyes, Red 40, Red 3, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with known carcinogens, aka cancer causing agents, yet, they are still in the food supply! Artificial food dyes are made from petroleum (yes, the crude oil product) and approved for use by the FDA to enhance the color of processed foods. They add absolutely no value to the food we eat and have even been shown to cause an increase in hyperactivity in children as well as a negative impact on their ability to learn.
No artificial flavors!
Artificial flavors are what are making you hate healthy food. Artificial flavors are entirely human made, not derived from the true source. We have been living in a world where artificial flavor is the norm, resulting in the vast majority of us sadly not knowing what the real flavor actually tastes like. Artificial flavors are directly linked with ADD, asthma and worsening asthma, causing headaches, and affecting your thyroid. Many companies will add them to make the product taste better so you get that “pop” or that “dazzle” when you consume it.
No artificial sweeteners!
There are hundreds of studies that show that artificial sweeteners actually stimulate the appetite because it raises the insulin levels but yet, there are no calories to go with it. Therefore, you have all this extra insulin running around your body which stimulate your appetite and increase your carbohydrate cravings. Artificial Sweeteners have also been proven to increase fat storage, so if you’re thinking your cheating the system with the Splenda and NutraSweet, you’re actually making it harder on yourself.
No preservatives!
A preservative is a substance that is added to foods to prevent decomposition by microbial growth or by undesirable chemical changes. Studies show that artificial preservatives used in many processed foods can increase the risk of inflammatory bowel diseases and metabolic disorders.
No synthetic fertilizers!
Synthetic fertilizers are commonly known for being fast-acting and for coming in a variety of forms. They can be taken up by the plant almost immediately and are water-soluble, meaning they can leach out into our waterways. Organic fertilizers provide benefits to plants and soil by stimulating beneficial soil microorganisms and improve the structure of the soil. It takes a little longer to get results, but the reward is a green that lasts.
No irradiation!
Irradiation damages food by breaking up molecules and creating free radicals. It creates an environmental hazard and science has not proved that a long-term diet of irradiated foods is safe for human health. The USDA, who controls the use of the “organic” label on foods, works with FDA to promote food irradiation where it is appropriate. Foods which have been irradiated, no matter how they are grown or produced, cannot be labeled as USDA certified organic.
No genetically modified organisms!
The sad truth is that 60-70% of the processed foods in US stores contain GMOs. The safety for human consumption of GMOs has not been assured and studies confirm that GMO crops have potential for introducing toxins and allergens not only into our food but also our environment.
Organic meat is grass fed in free range!
A substantial share of the livestock raised on conventional farms live in congested, stressful conditions that eat away at animal health, increasing drug dependency, and taking away any chance of carrying out normal behaviors. Conversely, the National Organic Program (NOP) rule states that organically raised animals must have access to the outdoors, including pasture, and sufficient space to behave naturally.
Get more from your milk!
Organic milk can contain up to twice the amount of omega 3 fatty acids when compared to conventional milk.
Preserve for future generations!
Today 50% of all food consumed worldwide derives from four plant species and three animal species. A handful of multi-national corporations own and control over half of the world’s seed market. Small organic farms often preserve valuable and rare seed varieties for future generations to enjoy.
It contains more minerals!


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